THICCLY GrowPole Species Guide
THICCLY GrowPole Species Guide is a non-exhaustive compilation of the type of aroids to grow on our range of products. It is based on over 2 years of research, growing the species indoors and outdoors, and also from user feedback and research.
Monstera Borsigiana Albo showing tertiary fenestration on GrowPole 2.0 Large. Clones of this plant did not reach the same size on GrowPole 2.0 Medium in identical growing conditions.
How to use this guide?
GrowPoles are sized Small/Medium/Large.
The species recommendations will fall below each GrowPole’s size.
The column that says “Small/Medium” or “Medium/Large” very loosely determines species which can be planted on either size of the GrowPole, depending on whether optimal growing conditions are met.
Choosing the size of the GrowPole should be determined by species and the final plant you desire to showcase and display.
For example - a Monstera Borsigiana Albo will mature to about 1-2 palm size in leaves on a Medium GrowPole even in optimal growing conditions. Given a Large GrowPole and identical conditions, we have specimens that show tertiary fenestration with leaf size at over 8 palm sizes.
Monstera Borsigiana Albo grown by @herplantstories in ideal conditions showing only secondary fenestrations but looking picture perfect in any home.
Choosing GrowPole by display intention.
Certain aroid species self limit their sizes based on the size of the GrowPole.
Since not everyone are looking for the largest, most fenestrated plants - using the size of a GrowPole is a good way to control the size of a plant.
Rebekka has multiple lush monstera albo borsigiana that will have pride of place in any collection, growing on Medium size GrowPoles.
Philodendron Gigas grew leaves over 70cm on GrowPole 2.0 Medium. Large pendulous leaves are difficult to support with the medium size. Large GrowPoles are recommended for structural strength. We believe this particular plant could reach even larger size with a Large version of the GrowPole.
Choosing GrowPole by species.
A common strategy to choose GrowPole is to base it on the size of the plant that you have bought. However, we do not recommend that.
Aroids react very strongly to being able to climb. GrowPole’s design mimics ideal climbing conditions in their native habitat with high humidity.
Once a plant attaches itself to a GrowPole, it will rapidly size up, given proper care and ideal conditions.
Choosing the GrowPole’s size by species ensures that your plant grows to its full potential, rather than having to increase the size of the GrowPole when it is already looking its best.
THICCLY GrowPole Species Guide
Burle Marx Fantasy
Monstera Obliqua
Philodendron Heartleaf
Monstera Adansonii
Anthurium Forgetii
Philodendron Brandtianum
Philodendron Domesticum
Philodendron Pedatum
Philodendron Sodiroi
Philodendron Verrucosm
Anthurium Warocqueanum
Monstera Borsigiana (Regular/Albo/Aurea)
Monstera Esqueleto
Philodendron El Choco Red
Philodendron Esmeraldense
Philodendron Gigas
Philodendron Melanochrysum
Philodendron Pink Princess
Anthurium Regale
Anthurium Veitchii
Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Thai Constellation
Philodendron Billietiae
Philodendron Dark Lord
Philodendron Giganteum
Philodendron Jose Buono
Philodendron Maximum
Philodendron Patriciae
Philodendron Sharoniae
Philodendron Spiritus-Sancti